Bespoke Plastic Surgeon Patient Journey Mobile App

bespoke mobile app for plastic surgeon

Bespoke Plastic Surgeon App development

Customer engagement is key in any business and with over 56% of 2021 global internet traffic coming from mobile devices, Smartphone apps are a key component for any pro-active and forward thinking business. With Plastic Surgery also becoming more popular and accessible a truly bespoke app will not only elevate the surgeon's brand but will also provide the patients with valuable information about their procedures.

There are a number of apps on the market at the moment however they are generally generic apps that do a great job with giving the user generic information about plastic surgery treatments. What a lot of them fail to do however is give specific information to that particular patient about their case and their experience and provide them with all the required information at every step of their patient journey.

Swift Digital has created and launched a new app that is truly a bespoke cosmetic surgery patient journey. An admin system, IOS and Android app has been created by the development team at Swift Digital where treatments and patients can be added and managed by the clinic admin staff. Here a single, or multiple appointments can be entered into the system and a patient username and password generated. The appointments and surgeries are entered and instantly visible to the patient. Along with the appointment the clinic details and a link to the clinic's Google maps is also available.

The system doesn't stop here though, there is a wealth of information about all the treatments offered by the surgeon as well as FAQs. Each patient will have access to the procedure information and FAQs that they have been booked in for. There is a number of information and instructional documents that need to be passed to the patient at various stages of their journey. These are categorised as:

  • General Treatment Information
  • Pre-op information
  • Day of surgery information
  • Post-op Information.

These documents will be available at certain times in the patient journey and the app will notify the users according to the schedule entered.

The app has been developed for Android and IOS and available now on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The app will give the patient vital information and answer a large number of questions whenever and wherever they require it giving that extra peace of mind with a full and tailored patient journey.


Blog article information

Blog article date: 11 th Oct 2021
Posted by Tas G
Tags Mobile App, app design, app development, plastic surgeon

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